
3 Key Components to Build Your Brand

Branding is now harder than ever. With so many channels and tools to get businesses out there, potential customers are bombarded with options, and they know they have their pick.  If you want to cut through all the noise and make a name for yourself, you have to be more to your customers than just a transaction or a service. You’re cultivating an idea, an experience, and relationships. So, let’s get started with these three things you should be doing to boost your branding.


Create a clear, concise message

This one might sound obvious, but so many businesses miss the mark. Think for a second. If someone on the street asked you what you and your company do, how easily could you describe it?
Would it be memorable?
Take a look at your website. How quickly and easily can a customer find what it is you do on your homepage?
Is it laid out to direct a customer’s eyes to the right places on the page?

Sometimes, less is more.

Sit down with your team and see if you can define your company mission in just a few short sentences. The elevator pitch exercise is excellent for this. Focus your message, agree on the direction you want to go, and commit to it. Don’t overthink it. Keep in mind that we all experience stories relatively, and if your customer can’t identify with a specific problem your company can solve or see themselves benefiting in this story, you’re going to lose them. Going on and on about your company history won’t garner interest. It’s about creating value together, not bragging about yourself.


Decide how to measure your marketing

Metrics are huge. If you’re not diligently tracking your progress, you’re falling behind. Figure out the ultimate goal of your branding and marketing efforts and work backward from there. Maybe your metric is sales pipeline. Which marketing efforts lead to increasing pipeline?
Maybe it’s putting content in the hands of your BDR’s for sales calls or business conversations. Keep scaling down level by level, detailing an actual number you can put on each step until you get to the day-to-day. It’s all about figuring out which specific actions you can take towards your goal.



Customer experience is key

In a world where 33% of customers will switch businesses after just one unpleasant experience, you’d better be sure you’re giving them a premium one. In the eventuality where there is a problem with a customer, follow up quickly and appropriately. Customer experience is more than just customer service; it’s every interaction that a person has with your brand.
Collect feedback often to make sure you’re doing everything you can to show your customers that you’re dedicated to building a relationship with them. If you start a dialogue with them, you’ll learn what’s working, what’s not, and how to inspire customer loyalty to increase lifetime value.

At VERZ, we’re dedicated to helping businesses build unique and inspired brands that they and their customers will be proud of. Get in touch with us to learn more about how you can apply these strategies and scale them for your brand.

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