
Pro Tips for Online Business: 6 Strategies about Facebook Ads for E-Commerce


Find the right place to advertise is essential for your online business. As the largest social media network, Facebook has 1.39 billion monthly users; it is an excellent platform to promote your e-commerce store.
It is vital for business owners to have a strategy for running their ads. We listed 6 Strategies about Facebook Ads for E-Commerce that you can implement into your plan for running Facebook Ads.

Chose Advertisement Types: Video vs. Imagery

In 2019, Facebook periodizes video content over the image. That being said, your video ads will have a much better chance of ending up in the feed of your target audience.

If you think one image had hundreds of words, then a video will have thousands. Video content naturally is more engaging in general.  The audience will spend more time on video content that looks at imagery content.

However, there are many special requirements for video ads. That includes the visual design of the video, copywriting, formatting, etc.  These elements will directly affect your ads overall performance.


Multi-product ads. Image Source – Facebook

For Imagery Content, Use Multi-Product Ads

Facebook Multi- Product ads allow you to show multiple products in one single ad. Here are some benefits of using this type of ad:

  • The feature provides more product option for your customers.
  • The Multi-Product ads can become a small portfolio for your product.
  • This type of ad will boost up your conversions. The more relevant products that potential customer can see, the higher the chance of them become a real customer.

How will do they perform?

There are studies to prove that multi-product ads works. According to Adobe:

  • Click Through Rates (CTR) increased anywhere between 50% to 300%.
  • Reductions in cost per click, with costs decreasing by as much as 35%.
  • Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) efficiencies to 261%

Not all business will experience the same increase in their CTR, CPC, or CPA; many factors have to be considered. However, it is still an excellent way to optimize your ad campaign.


Collecting Data through Conversion Tracking Pixel

Conversion Tracking Pixel is a small code that tracks your customer’s behavior on your website. It allows you to track the amount of conversion you receive from your adverting campaign. Meanwhile, the data will be used by Facebook to optimize your campaigns and to build and deliver to your target audience.

Pro Tips: We recommend that install the Pixel during the website building process.

Have the pixel install from the start will give Facebook enough time to learn more about the people who are converting into a customer on your website.



Have Special Offers!

By using the offers feature, you can optimize attractions form your potential customer. People generally attracted the discount- offers, your ads might turn a visitor into a customer. This feature is exceptionally useful for e-commerce and other digital business models.

When the customer clicks on your offer, they will get their own code they can use. Meanwhile, it will also be the advantages for you to track how many people have clicked on your offer.


Create & Run Retargeting Campaigns

The percentage of abandoned carts ranges anywhere from 50% to 80%. Without retargeting campaigns, only 8% of them will come back to complete the purchase.

Retargeting campaigns are great to remind and encourage the customer what they have in the cart, and why they should finish the purchase.


Find New Customer through Lookalike Audience

Facebook can help you find new customers through lookalike audience. It will be targeting people that similar to your existing customers and likely to be interested in your product or service as well.

Pro tips: lookalike audience is one of the top performance features from Facebook Ads for business owners to expand their qualify audience.


In conclusion

These 6 approaches about Facebook Ads for E-Commerce are an excellent start to building successful campaigns. However, the supportive strategy around the campaign is just as important as the campaign its self. Contact us for advice on building a campaign! [/norebro_text]

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